Tele-MTRA für MTRs

Tele-MTRA offers MTRs flexibility and independence of location, which improves work-life balance and opens up new professional opportunities. By using their time more efficiently and being able to collaborate with professionals, they can increase their expertise and optimize patient care.

Tele-MTRA für MTRs

Unsere Mission ist es, talentierte MTRAs wie Sie dabei zu unterstützen, Ihre beruflichen Ziele zu erreichen. Wir bieten eine breite Palette von Stellenangeboten in medizinischen Einrichtungen an, die nach motivierten und kompetenten MTRAs suchen. Egal, ob Sie auf der Suche nach einer neuen Herausforderung in einem Krankenhaus, einer radiologischen Praxis oder einer Forschungseinrichtung sind – wir haben die richtigen Möglichkeiten für Sie.

Tele-MTRA: Remote control and remote services for large diagnostic devices

Our innovative concept combines two important functions in one term: "Tele-MTRA". This stands for both a technical IT solution and first-class services that make it possible to control large diagnostic devices efficiently and precisely, regardless of your location. The Tele-MTRA IT solution is a pioneering technology that enables medical professionals to control large diagnostic devices remotely. This not only offers greater flexibility, but also the ability to respond quickly to urgent requirements and emergencies without having to be physically on site.
Jetzt Kontakt aufnehmen

Ihre Möglichkeiten als


Erfahrene MTR führt Untersuchung im Control-Modus


Im Monitoring-Modus begleitet die erfahrene MTR
die Untersuchung.


Erfahrene MTR unterstützt MTR vor Ort mit Fachwissen
und kann im Control-Modus aushelfen.


Erfahrene MTR begleitet und unterstütz komplizierte
Untersuchung im Monitoring-Modus.


Erfahrene MTR führt Remote-Weiterbildung durch

Your options as a Tele-MTR

Möglichkeiten mit Tele-MTRA
Ein Mann der an einem PC sitzt und einen Gehirnscan sieht

Work remotely without any problems

Remote access from anywhere

Once our IT solution is implemented in your healthcare facility, you can easily perform examinations remotely. Remote access is possible from any location as long as a stable internet connection is available - be it from the cockpit center, home office or control room of another large device. By using a Tele-MTRA workstation, a remote MTR has full access to the user interface of a diagnostic system and can thus actively or passively support an examination. These functions open up various possibilities for using "Tele-MTRA". For example, experts can always be consulted when complex examinations are being carried out, or training and further education can also be conveniently carried out remotely.

Gestalten Sie Ihre Zukunft mit uns

Home-Office Icon
Working from Home
Thanks to our new Tele-MTRA solution, it is now possible for you to passively or actively support CT and MRI scans from your home office.
Work-Life-Balance Icon
Your personal options can be optimally integrated into everyday working life.
Bessere Eingliederung - icon
Better integration
A mixture of remote and on-site work offers you the ideal start after a longer break due to parental leave or pregnancy, for example.
Neue Arbeitsmodelle - icon
New work models
Tele-MTRA allows healthcare facilities to use completely new working models. After installing our solution, you can use a mix of on-site and remote work.

Jetzt Tele-MTR werden

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