Allgemeine Geschäftsbedingungen

General Terms and Conditions, Temporary Employment
Other terms and conditions shall only apply if 3H-Vision GmbH agrees to them in writing.
1. Official authorization
3H-Vision GmbH has a permit for temporary employment. Issued by the Federal Employment Agency Nuremberg.
2. Use of our online RT platform
The 3H-Vision GmbH online personnel platform is designed to enable flexible working in the field of radiological assistance. Jobseekers as well as jobseekers can enter their data. In the background, 3H-Vision uses a matching function to compare supply and demand, and the use of our online platform is cost-neutral for radiographers and MFAs, as well as doctors, radiology practices and departments, administrations and clinics, etc. There are no placement fees. There are no placement fees.
3. personnel recruitment
3H-Vision GmbH stellt dem Kunden sorgfältig ausgesuchte und auf die erforderliche berufliche Qualifikation überprüftes Personal zur Verfügung. Nach erfolgreichem Matching der Daten über die 3H-Vision GmbH Personal Plattform, wird mit dem Personalsuchenden ein Arbeitnehmerüberlassungsvertrag geschlossen.
4. Arbeitnehmerüberlassungsvertrag Regelt im Einzelfall die jeweilige Zusammenarbeit von Entleiher und Verleiher wie folgt.
4.1   Dauer
Wird im Einzelfall mit dem jeweiligen Verleiher abgestimmt und vereinbart.
4.2   Stundensätze
The hourly rates are uniformly regulated in the respective AÜV and differ between day/night and weekend assignments. Travel costs and general travel expenses shall be invoiced to the customer according to the actual expenses incurred. 3H - Vision is entitled to invoice the customer for the employee travel costs incurred.
4.3   Zeiterfassung
3H-Vision GmbH employees submit a time sheet every week or after deployment, showing the work they have performed. An authorized representative of the customer confirms the hours worked by signing the timesheet. If the timesheet cannot be presented to an authorized representative, 3H-Vision GmbH is entitled to invoice the hours worked.
4.4   Abrechnung
Invoices are issued on a monthly basis or after completion of the work based on the documented working hours. The invoice amount is due within 10 days of the invoice date.
4.5   Eignung der 3H-Vision GmbH Mitarbeiter
3H-Vision GmbH is responsible for the respective professional suitability of the employee. At the request of the hirer, 3H-Vision GmbH undertakes to provide appropriate proof of qualifications. If the hirer does not agree with the work performance of a leased employee, he may reject the employee after giving notice within a period stipulated in the employee leasing agreement. 3H-Vision GmbH may exchange employees for other, equally suitable employees during the current assignment, provided that the legitimate interests of the customer are not violated, see §7 in the respective temporary employment contract.
4.6   Wesentliche Arbeitsbedingungen beim Entleiher
The customer must provide 3H-Vision GmbH with evidence of the regular hourly wages paid to a comparable employee on the basis of statutory provisions (e.g. statutory equal payment after 9 months).
4.7.  Einsatzort
The employees of 3H-Vision GmbH are deployed exclusively at the location and for the activity agreed in the employee leasing agreement.
5. Haftung für Sozialversicherungsbeiträge
With regard to the liability pursuant to § 28 e Para. 2 SGB IV, the lender undertakes to provide the hirer with security. the hirer may also require the lender to submit a certificate of payment of contributions to the responsible collection agencies. if the hirer is claimed by the collection agency pursuant to § 28 e Para. 2 SGB IV, the hirer shall be entitled to withhold the remuneration owed to the lender in the amount of the claim asserted by the respective collection agency until the lender proves that it has duly paid the contributions.
6. Personalvermittlung
A placement fee for the establishment of an employment relationship between the hirer and a 3H-Vision GmbH employee assigned to him is due within a period of 6 months after the end of the assignment as follows.
Dauer der Überlassung/Vermittlungsgebühr/Bemerkungen
Up to 3 months 1.5 gross monthly salaries - Also applies to non-continuous employment
Up to 6 months 2 gross monthly salaries - Also applies to non-continuous employment.
Different placement fees can be agreed.
7. Datenschutz
3H Vision GmbH and its contractual partners undertake to comply with the statutory provisions on data protection, see Federal Data Protection Act. This also applies after termination of the cooperation.
8. Geheimhaltung
The contents and conditions of the concluded employee leasing agreement must be treated confidentially and kept secret from third parties. The same applies to trade and business secrets and to matters identified as such.
9. Sonstiges
In all other respects, German law shall apply. The place of jurisdiction is Stuttgart.